Sunday, 20 January 2013

Perspective on leader managers

The next revolution started: "ordinary people like me getting frustrated with systems of which the 'soul' lacks authentic leader-managers", Callie Roos commented on Twitter on 19 January 2013. Knowing Callie Roos for some years as a life coach, mentor, motivational speaker, trainer and change manager, Callie posts on his website ( that experience has taught him four things about the successful businesses of the future:

  • They will be distinguished by the wholeness of their people.
  • Sustainable change begins where the individual mind set reflect on reality and create new meaning for itself.
  • To become pro-active and advance to significance is a choice.
  • The ultimate training and development intervention happens through process and not only design.

Having read Callie’s latest Tweet (19 January 2013) on his frustration and experience with the lack of leader managers in SA, I found an email that I have send on 9 Sept 2010 after I attended a church service that Callie conducted in Pierre van Ryneveld in Centurion (Pretoria). It was so inspirational that I summarised what Callie has said in an email to my managers at Thorburn Security Solutions. Comparing what Callie has said on 9 September 2010 with his January 2013 tweet, I must share it with you and I quote my email.

“Having listened thoroughly to the "pastor" or "dominee" in church this morning (Callie Roos - see detail on or, I realized that for us to be successful and to be in a position to "make a mark", be respected or to just be the leader of choice in Thorburn Security, we have to amongst others:

 1.            Be thankful - We have so much to be thankful for – people who are thankful are normally also humble. Sit back, think of what you have and what others would dream of to have from you and be humble about your and our achievements.

 2.            We need to have a strong vision - we need to know what we want to achieve and we must do it!

3.            We need to take ownership - be in control of what you do or what is expected from you to do. Be accountable for your deeds or you failure to do something.

4.            We need to have intuition - that gut feel that we mix with a bit of research before we commence with a task or initiative.

5.            Be inspirational - people around you must experience your presence in a positive manner and they must look forward to your very next move as they should realize that that very next move is inspiring them to higher achievements. Are you only criticizing and negative or motivational with positive inspirational acts, words and phrases? Positive Thinkers are also inspirational!

6.            Do what you do, do well! If you have two tasks to do today, do them both well - don't do three half if you need to do two well. 

 7.            You must grow! As stated are people who are thankful normally people who grow. I can recall that a well know South African, dr David Malapo wrote  a book - "if you are not growing you are dying"

I add one aspect to what Callie has said - and you know that is my focus area - that is to have a passion for life, a passion for your family, a passion for your community, passion for Thorburn Security, passion for security and loss prevention and passion for our clients. Passion is a sign of inspiration that you portray" end of quote/email.
I am convinced that using these elements Callie has taught us as the bear minimum for growth as leader managers in SA, we would see a vast difference and less frustrations.
Thanks Callie for sharing your views with us!!!


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